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Kā Kōrero o Waikirikiri Selwyn Stories - Terms of Use


The preparation and provision of the information on the Kā Kōrero o Waikirikiri Selwyn Stories has been made in good faith from a number of sources that are believed to be reliable. All due care has been taken to ensure that the information is accurate and up to date. This site links to the websites of other agencies and organisations. Selwyn Libraries is not responsible for the content of those sites. Selwyn Libraries accepts no liability or responsibility for the manner in which the information on this website is interpreted or used, or the results of such use.


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Reference layout format and example:

  - Page Title, Selwyn Libraries website URL [] accessed: dd/mm/yyyy.
  - E.g. Lakeside School Diamond Jubilee photo, Selwyn Libraries, accessed: 19/01/2021

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