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- Audio80
- Collection254
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- People 82
Te Atatiki a Te Wakaaro Dunsandel area
- Upper Selwyn 1
- Bankside 1
- Te Pirita 1
- Fyvie 1
- Selwyn Town 1
- Norwood 1
- Mead 1
- Tauwharekākaho Rolleston area 3
Whenua Kura Darfield area
- Hororāta 1
- Kō O Te Upoko Kirwee 1
- Whenua Kura Darfield 1
- Sheffield 1
- Russell's Flat 1
- Glenroy 2
- Courtenay 1
- Kimberley 1
- Greendale 1
- Whitecliffs 1
- Glentunnel 1
- Waddington 1
- Windwhistle 2
- Coalgate 1
Alpine regions
- Springfield 1
- Bealey 1
- Kowai Bush 1
- Korowai - Torlesse Tussocklands Park 1
- Staircase Gully 1
- Arthur's Pass 1
- Annat 1
- Cass 1
- Otira 1
- Castle Hill 1
- Lakes, Rivers and Waterways 6
Lincoln area
- Ellesmere 1
- Broadfield 1
- Lincoln 1
- Springston 1
- Tai Tapu 1
- Greenpark 1
- Springston South 1
- Ladbrooks 1
- Blandville 1
- Karumata Leeston area 8
- Okakea West Melton area 2
- Karumata-Leeston area 8
- Taumata Kūri Prebbleton 1
Te Atatiki a Te Wakaaro Dunsandel area
- Themes 22
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